Sunday, March 13, 2011


Hello again my Summit friends!  The Beacon Project girls have had one exciting/stressful/busy week this past week!  We literally JUST got back from our Nationals swim meet in San Antonio, Texas after being gone for an entire week.  It was an absolutely wonderful experience to defend our title as National Champions, but, man, are we tired and happy to be back in our Summit apartment!  Ahhhh home, sweet, home.  Unfortunately, we had to miss class on Friday, but hopefully everyone enjoyed the speaker, and we will definitely be at next month’s meeting.

                Things at Lighthouse are continuing to go much more smoothly than last semester.  We have settled into our roles as volunteers (finally), and Dolly always has something lined up for us to do now.  The past couple times I have volunteered, I’ve just organized paperwork.  Lighthouse was preparing for their meetings with all the individual families, so I had to file papers under each family name so they could review them at their family meetings.  While I wish I got to work with the kids, I often find my volunteer hours very relaxing, and the time seems to go by really quickly.  Also, now that we are done swimming for the season, we should be able to dedicate even more time to volunteering and to planning our April Easter egg hunt.  :)

                Everything is going really well in our apartment.  Over the past week at Nationals, I feel like my roommates and I have bonded even more and gotten even closer together since we’ve been working towards a common goal.  I was so proud of all of them and our Summit boys this past week, and I feel like things will go even more smoothly in our apartment this semester since we won’t be exhausted and cranky from morning practice all of the time. Haha  That’s about all to report from the Beacon Project!  I hope to see everybody next month!

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